Legacy Funds

Open a Legacy Fund with A Continuous Charity:
Help Generations of Students Achieve Their Dreams

Why a Legacy Fund

What will your lasting legacy be? Consider setting up a legacy fund with A Continuous Charity that will provide ongoing educational support to Muslim students. This fund can enable you to contribute to the education of not just one student, but many, through principal educational loans. You can name this fund after your family, a loved one, or a business, and tailor it to support students in specific fields or demographics. Every year, A Continuous Charity will provide you with detailed reports on the impact of your fund and the students it has helped.

What is a Legacy Fund

Establishing a Legacy Fund with A Continuous Charity (ACC) offers donors like you a meaningful opportunity to impact the world by creating an educational fund. You determine what fields of study or demographics of students to support as well as the name of the fund such as your family, a loved one, or a business. The setup cost for a Legacy Fund is $10,000 with a one time $300 fund establishment fee. Once established, ACC’s Application Review Committee (ARC) will match your fund with students who meet your specified criteria. These students will receive loans from your fund, and they will know who supported their educational aspirations. Each year, you will receive reports detailing the impact of your fund on these students’ lives. As students repay their loans, the money goes back into your Legacy Fund, allowing ACC to lend it to new qualifying students. This sustainable model ensures your fund continuously supports countless students in achieving their educational goals, offering transformative blessings from Allah (swt) and freeing students from interest-based debt.